

Making Monster Music: Tommy Creep - EVP

"Inspired by films like White Noise, I wanted to make a track based around the idea of Electronic Voice Phenomenon. EVP is the idea that when recording background noise or static then playing it back, you can pick up paranormal communications." 

"I thought that a creepy melody combined with radio static would create a great atmosphere for a track. I made a music box/xylophone style lead, used filters to give it the impression of coming across a radio transmission then added in radio static, with the same filters, to blend it together. For the last section, I resampled the main bassline, chopped it up and reversed parts to give it a weirder, otherworldly feel." 

"The film samples are from the 1960 film Eye of the Dead (aka Tormented); which follows the story of a man, haunted by a old girlfriend on an island." 

 EVP is on Vacant Tombs & Full Moons, preorder from for instant download of Death Beach. The cassette comes out July 29th.